Laine Tomkinson
Printmaker, Painter and Collage Artist
Laine Tomkinson’s artwork incorporates printmaking, painting and collage. She studied at the University of Central Lancashire 1976-79 and has been exploring the language of abstract painting for over four decades. In 2011 she left regular employment committing herself to life as a full-time artist.
Her work features dense layers of vibrant colour, overlaid with hand painted and screen-printed shapes; squares, flower forms, grids and rectangles, building a complex artwork that has visual rhythm and movement. The spatially ambiguous forms appear suspended in space, transforming hard edged shapes into something with depth and luminosity.
Laine says of her practice-
“One thing I can say with certainty – my work is not formulaic, I am an intuitive artist, inspired by specific memories of places in nature; I continually explore wider ideas and approaches, distilled to simple discernible shapes and forms.
Sometimes it takes an almost wilful desire to potentially ruin a hard won- almost successful, artwork by cutting into it or adding yet another layer, but I must.
I have an inexhaustible relationship with the expressive possibilities of colour, particularly that time when all the elements come everything comes together and the artwork begins to take the shape I imagined “
Ultimately, I hope that my work communicates the feeling of joy I felt creating it in the viewer.”